EtsyInspired #64 ~ Barefoot Weaver

>> Friday, November 27, 2009

This week's EtsyInspired shop is Barefoot Weaver. This shop is FULL of woven yumminess. I absolutely love weaving because it's so intricate and beautiful. I think most people take for granted how much time it takes to make something like these awesome creations. One of the things I really love about this shop is the colors that are used on the items. They are bright and beautiful without being too over the top. Another super cool thing about this shop is that they offer woven jewelry which is something I've never seen before. Other items available in the shop include scarves, wraps, shawls, neck warmers and different sized cuffs.

This week, Barefoot Weaver is offering up this GORGEOUS flower as a prize. Seriously, I want to win this! ACK! It's so pretty! To play along, all you have to do is go to the Barefoot Weaver shop and pick any item to be inspired by. Make any creation that you'd like (card, cake, jewelry, song, dance, photograph, etc...) and post a link to your creation on the EtsyInspired #64 post on the EtsyInspired blog. Please link your creations by next Friday Dec 4, noon Pacific time to be entered in a random drawing to win. If you upload to SCS or PCP, please use keyword EIC64.

Along with our amazing prize from our shop, we have an awesome sponsor this week! It's 7 Kids College Fund! I love this store! They have everything! They are offering up a High Hopes Stamp (seen HERE) and a Green Apple Memory Box Notecards (seen HERE) for a prize!

Now, go be EtsyInspired!

Please check out the DT:

EIC63 Winner

Hello there! I'm here to announce winners. Sorry so late but we were out with the family all day.

The winner of the Sleepless Imagination gift certificate is Itzuvit. You can see her amazing care HERE.

The winner of the adorable Torendi prize is Libeeti. You can see her lovely card HERE.

Winners, please email me (actressangel at gmail dot com) with your info and I will get the prizes coming your way. Thanks everyone for playing along and our wonderful shop and sponsor this week!

EIC Challenge Reminder!!!!!

>> Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You do not want to forget to play in the Etsy Inspired Challenge this week remember there are two prizes up for grabs this week so you still have about a day and a half to get your creations done and linked by Friday at Noon PST!!!!!

This week's EtsyInspired shop is Sleepless Imagination.

This week, Sleepless Imagination is offering up a $15 gift certificate good for cards or prints ONLY in her shop as a prize. All you have to do to win is go to the Sleepless Imagination shop and find any item to be inspired by. Make any creation that your little heart desires and post it RIGHT HERE ON MR LINKY.

Please post your link by Friday, November 27th noon Pacific time. A random winner will be drawn and posted to the EtsyInspired blog on that day. If you upload to SCS or PCP, please use keyword EIC63.

In addition to this, we have an awesome sponsor this week. It's TORENDI! The hottest new paper crafting store around! They offer the trendiest items. There are awesome imported crafting items from Japan. In addition to that, there are some very cool offerings from some of the US's trendy companies like Bam Pop, Cosmo Cricket, Thickers, etc... This week, Torendi is giving away this ADORABLE Japanese cupcake stamp to one lucky winner.

Now, go be EtsyInspired!!!!!

EtsyInspired #63 ~ Sleepless Imagination

>> Saturday, November 21, 2009

This week's EtsyInspired shop is Sleepless Imagination. The store owner, Laura, is actually a really good friend of mine. We met on Etsy and she's one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. I love her fun and funky sense of color! Personally, I'm afraid to step out of the box. I always color the sky blue and the grass green. I really admire people who can think differently. Laura is one of those people. She is not afraid of color or combining different combinations. She uses all different sorts of shapes on her artwork too. In her shop, you can get birdhouses, jewelry boxes, magnets, gift tags, prints, ACEOs, and greeting cards.

This week, Sleepless Imagination is offering up a $15 gift certificate good for cards or prints ONLY in her shop as a prize. All you have to do to win is go to the Sleepless Imagination shop and find any item to be inspired by. Make any creation that your little heart desires and post it RIGHT HERE ON MR LINKY. Please post your link by Friday, November 27th noon Pacific time. A random winner will be drawn and posted to the EtsyInspired blog on that day. If you upload to SCS or PCP, please use keyword EIC63.

In addition to this, we have an awesome sponsor this week. It's TORENDI! The hottest new paper crafting store around! They offer the trendiest items. There are awesome imported crafting items from Japan. In addition to that, there are some very cool offerings from some of the US's trendy companies like Bam Pop, Cosmo Cricket, Thickers, etc... This week, Torendi is giving away this ADORABLE Japanese cupcake stamp to one lucky winner.

Now, go be EtsyInspired!!

EtsyInspired #62 Winner

>> Friday, November 20, 2009

The winner this week according to Random.Org was number 11...

Look at her beautiful card below! It's amazing!  Kelly Marie, e-mail Ashley at actressangel AT gmail DOT com your address so she can ship you your awesome new ribbon!!!  Grab the blinkie above for your blog if you'd like as well! Hope to see you playing this week too!

EtsyInspired #62 Reminder!

>> Thursday, November 19, 2009

There is still time to play this week's challenge!  Our awesome shop this week is Quiltish from Alissa Jacobs!  You won't want to miss out on the inspiration this shop provides!  You have until Friday (tomorrow) Noon PST to play along!  For all the details and to post your creations, see the post below!

EtsyInspired #62 - Quiltish from Alissa Jacobs

>> Saturday, November 14, 2009

This week's EtsyInspired shop is Quiltish by Allisa Jacobs. This is a really fun and cute shop specializing in zipper pouches, purses and baby gifts. What I really like about this shop is the amazing fabric selection she has! Cute and fun fabrics and even some that are organic. How awesome is that? I love the fun florals, the cute birds, the little ruffles she makes. And even the baby gifts are still really stylish, not too cutesy. Everything seems so fresh, I think it's the colors. There is definitely a lot of inspiration to be found here.

To play along with the challenge, all you have to do is go to the Quiltish by Allisa Jacobs shop and pick an item to be inspired by. Create any item that you'd like and post a link to your creation on the EtsyInspired 62 post on the EtsyInspired Challenge blog. Please link your entries by next Friday, Nov 20 by noon Pacific time. A winner will be chosen by random drawing and posted on the EtsyInspired blog that same day. If you upload to PCP or SCS, please use keyword EIC62.

This week, we have a VERY special sponsor! It'sMay Arts, the ribbon company! Eeeek! I am sooo excited! I would cover my house in May Arts ribbon and just bask in its beauty. Seriously, they have the most amazing ribbon. They have wide ric rac, scalloped edge ribbon, satin ribbon, silk ribbon, ribbon with cut outs, ribbon with pom poms, and the list goes on and on. Sigh...can you hear the dreaminess in my voice?? They are giving away this awesome back of Christmas ribbons shown here. How fun will this be for all your Christmas crafting?

Now, go be EtsyInspired!

Please check out the DT:
Shemaine (November Guest DT)

Post your link with Mr. Linky below and leave us a comment as well! (Leaving a comment is a back-up to Mr. Linky in case there is an error in your entry)

EIC61 Winner

>> Friday, November 13, 2009

The winner for this week is Irit! Congrats! Please email me with your info and I will get you the prize! Thanks! And thanks to Whimsie Doodles for sponsoring this week!

Etsy Inspired Challenge Reminder - Play and win some great prizes this week!!!

>> Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Don't Forget to Play in the Etsy Inspired Challenge this week you still have time submissions to win this weeks prize sponsored by Whimsy Doodles are not due until 12 Noon on Friday November 13th at Noon PST.

This week our prize comes from Whimsie Doodles. They are a shop that has ADORABLE digital stamps and really fun Whimsie Cuts which are cutting files so you can make shaped cards. Check them out, the whole site is SOOO cute! The prize for this week is either one (1) stamp set OR two (2) stamp singles of the winner's choice.

This weeks shop Jared in Kansas Etsy Shop, has so much inspiration I do not know what to do I can sit and stare at his Gorgous Photo's for hours and hours!!!  If nothing else just head out to his shop and browse through his Photographs they are seriously nothing short of AMAZING!!!!

Hope to see you play this week just link your creation down below in Mr. Linky by Noon on Friday PST.


EtsyInspired #61 ~ Jared in Kansas

>> Saturday, November 7, 2009

This week's EtsyInspired shop is Jared in Kansas, fine art nature photography. There are so many beautiful photographs in this shop, so much to be inspired by. I really love how Jared captures nature's beauty. There are picture of such simple things but with a close look, they are truly phenomenal. I love the way he uses beautiful natural light for the photos. The colors are vibrant and beautiful. And the depth of focus really makes the photos breath taking. The shop offers prints from 4x6 inches all the way to 20x30 inches and ACEOs. These would be a lovely addition to any home and also a great gift. He even has free shipping right now.

To play along with the challenge, all you have to do is choose any item in the Jared in Kansas shopto be inspired by. You can make any thing you'd like ie card, layout, cake, jewelry, song, dance, etc... Post a link to your creation on the EtsyInspired #61 post on the EtsyInspired blog by next Friday Nov 12, noon Pacific time. You will be entered in a random drawing to win. If you upload to PCP or SCS, please use keyword EIC61.

This week our prize comes from Whimsie Doodles. They are a shop that has ADORABLE digital stamps and really fun Whimsie Cuts which are cutting files so you can make shaped cards. Check them out, the whole site is SOOO cute! The prize for this week is either one (1) stamp set OR two (2) stamp singles of the winner's choice.
Please check out the DT:

Post your link with Mr. Linky below and leave us a comment as well! (Leaving a comment is a back-up to Mr. Linky in case there is an error in entry or if Mr. Linky decides to disappear like it has been known to do in the past!)

EIC60 Winners!

>> Friday, November 6, 2009

Random.Brady picks for this week. Click on their names to see their awesome creations.

Owlies winner from Vivikas is Tanis

Unity winner is Heidi

Ladies please email me your snail mail addresses and I will see to it that your info gets to the right place. actressangel at gmail

New Month, New Guest!

>> Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's hard to believe November is here already! We loved having Mandy as a part of our team in October (Thanks Mandy!) and we are excited to announce our new guest designer for November...

Shemaine Smith!
Shemaine is super creative, on several design teams, and writes scrapbooking articles for the Los Angeles Examiner.

Here is what Shemaine had to say:
I'm a SAHM to two and live in sunny So Cal. I've been paper crafting for over 12 years now and love every minute I get in my craft space. I design for Paper Posies kit club, Get Sketchy weekly sketch blog and Jacksonbelle Embellishmerts. I'm currently working with my sons Jr. High School principal on starting an afterschool scrapbooking club for the students. I'm really honored to be this month's Guest Designer and having the opportunity to work with this fabulous team!

And here is a taste of Shemaine's amazing work!
Fabulous, right?! Be sure to check out Shemaine's blog for more gorgeous creations and to welcome her to the Etsy Inspired team this month!

You still have until tomorrow to enter this week's Etsy Inspired Challenge! Check out the details HERE.

Reminder 2 Days left to Play in The Etsy Inspired Challenge and win prizes from this weeks shop or Unity Stamp Company (A Free Set!!!!!) Yea!!!!

Don't Forget to Play in the Etsy Challenge this week!!! Our Shop this week is Vivikas and she has the cutest items for sale are these not the cutest???

So Head on out to Vivika's Etsy Shop and pick an inspiration piece and play along to win one of the two great prizes you see below!!!

This week, Vivikas is offering up BOTH the owlies pictured in the EtsyInspired 60 post to a lucky winner. These Owls are so cute! All you have to do to win is choose any item in a the Vivikas shop to be inspired by. Make any creation your little heart desires and link it up Here on the EtsyInspired #60 post on the EtsyInspired blog. Please have your creation linked by Friday Nov 6 at noon Pacific time. A winner will be drawn that day and posted on the EtsyInspired blog. If you upload to SCS or PCP, please use keyword EIC60.

We have a WONDERFUL sponsor this week! Unity Stamp Co! Unity makes the BEST red rubber foam mounted stamps. Their images are super cute. The customer service is amazing. And the prices are fantastic! This week, they are giving away the awesome Birdie Inspiration set to one lucky winner! This set is so cute! I wish I could win. I really should resign from the team so I could play along and win! :)

Can not wait to see your creations!!


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