EtsyInsprired #77 ~ United Thread

>> Saturday, February 27, 2010

This week's EtsyInspired shop is United Thread. This is a very cool store. They only sell original art, no prints. Each piece is signed and dated. They have drawings and watercolor paintings. All the art is sold on heavy weight archival watercolor paper. They have a wide selection of nature inspired art. Everything from animals (like owls and whale) to plants (like oxtails and ferns) to "floating farms." The colors are very subtle and earthy. The pieces so an interesting sense of whimsy to them. All drawings are shipped in a protective sleeve and have a sturdy back or envelope for support.

This week, United Thread is offering up a print valued at up to $25 of the winner's choice. Just pick any item in the United Thread shop to be inspired by. Make any creation that you would like and link it to the THIS POST using Mr Linky and you will be entered in a random drawing to win. Please link your creation by Friday March 5th by noon Pacific time. If you upload to SCS or PCP, please use keyword EIC77.

This week's sponsor is Sakura of America. How lucky are we?!? They make an amazing line of pens. They have traditional gel pens, Glaze pens (which leave a nice sheen on the items), and Souffle pens (which have a matte finish and bump up slightly.) They also make the Quickie Glue pen which lets you do things like write and then coat it in glitter. It writes very finely. There are TONS of other products like stickers, erasers, adhesives and many others made from Sakura. Check them out!
Prize pack includes: [*Gelly Roll Stardust Pens, 6 (]
[*Quickie Glue (]
[*Gelly Roll Metallic pens, 3 (]
[*Sticklers, including 3 Glaze 3-D pens (

Check out the DT:

Winners Announced Later

>> Friday, February 26, 2010

Sorry friends, I need to get with the shop from this week and see who she picked. I'll post up ASAP.

Still time to play... EIC #76

>> Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You still have time to play along on this week's challenge!  Check out the post below for all the details!  There are some great prizes from our awesome shop The Enchanted Beehive and our amazing sponsor, Doodle Palace!

EtsyInspired Challenge #76 ~ Enchanted Beehive

>> Friday, February 19, 2010

Step inside of this week's shop and experience a magical world filled with beautifully enchanted soaps and pendants! Just listen to the shops introduction...
"Inside The Enchanted Beehive lives Fairies, Gnomes and Bee’s and they all work together to make wonderful and unique gifts for you. The Fairies have made all of the Flower Pendants and they have sprinkled Fairy Dust on them to give you Good Luck. The Gnomes have made all of the Soaps and Candles with the help from the Bee’s. The Enchanted Beehive is where unique Gifts are made from the Hive."


Make sure you experience the magic and hop on over to the The Enchanted Beehive, pick an item or items to be inspired by, and create!  Link your creation from this post by next Friday, Feb 26 by noon Pacific time. Everyone who plays along will be entered into a random drawing to win some wonderful prizes! If you upload to SCS or PCP, please use keyword EIC76. And PLEASE remember to give credit to the shop and reference the item or items you got the inspiration from!

Our wonderfully generous sponsor this week is Doodle Palace Digital Stamps!  Be sure to check out their website, Etsy shop and blog and check out all the adorable digital stamps! 

What do you win?!  You have a chance to win one of THREE super prizes this week!  Ashley and Random.Brady will pick one winner who will get a choice of one free item from The Enchanted Beehive and one lucky winner to win FIVE free digital stamps (including sets) from Doodle Palace Digital Stamps!!! AND as a special prize, The Enchanted Beehive will choose one random winner to pick an item of their choice from the shop as well!  WOO HOO! Do we have some generous shops and sponsors or WHAT?!

So what are you waiting for?  Check out the inspiration the DT has provided for you and...Go Be EtsyInspired!

Tiffany (On Break Feb - May)
Courtney Baker (Feb Guest DT!)
Lisa Arana (Feb Guest DT!)

EIC 75 Winner

First, thanks to all that played along this week!  It's so much fun looking at what everyone comes up with! Our random winner this week is Jan R.! Congrats Jan!  Please email me (De!) at stampindeva [at] bellsouth [dot] net.  Well get you in touch with  Doodle Dragon Studios aka Dustin Pike so you can get that  $10 store credit to his store!

Ashley is not feeling well and has the flu bug.  Leave her some love on her blog!

EtsyInspired #75 ~ Spin Designs

>> Friday, February 12, 2010

This week's EtsyInspired shop is Spin Designs. They offer two really amazing products in their shop. Now I normally focus on shops with ONE kind of product but since this shop does both so well, I decided it was ok. First off, they have beautiful jewelry. Some of it is super sculptured looking and graphic and some of it is just plain fun (like the owl.) The designs are unique and lovely. The second thing they offer is AMAZING mobiles! They are made out of quality mat-board and are just exquisite! I've never seen anything like them! I love the fact that they are large too! It's taking the whole decor thing to a whole different level and I really like that. Again, they offer everything from elegant to darling and fun.
To play along with our challenge, all you have to do is go to theSpin Designs shop and pick any item to be inspired by. Make your creation and post a link to it on the EtsyInspired #75 post on theEtsyInspired blog by next Friday, Feb 19 by noon Pacific time. Everyone will be entered into a random drawing to win. If you upload to SCS or PCP, please use keyword EIC75. And PLEASE remember to give credit to the shop that you found your inspiration from.

What do you win? This week's sponsor is Doodle Dragon Studios aka Dustin Pike. Dustin is known for his super cute digi stamps. He works for lots of different stamp companies. This week's prize is a $10 store credit to Doodle Dragon Studios.

Now go be EtsyInspired!!

Check out the DT:

EIC74 Winner

Random.Brady choose Dorothy S out of the hat this week! Congrats Dorothy (that's my sister's name, by the way.) You can see her fun creation HERE. Dorothy, please email me (actressangel at gmail dot com) and we'll get working on that Simple Doodles prize for you!

EtsyInspired #74 ~ Traveling Mama

>> Friday, February 5, 2010

This week's EtsyInspired shop is Traveling Mama. Now, some of you may know Tina Fussell aka (Travelingmama) from her blog. She's an amazing paper crafter. However, you might not have known that she has a Traveling Mama Etsy shop that she sells her awesome photography in too! Her photos are soft, airy and beautiful! I love the colors as well! Her style is extremely artistic. These would be perfect for using to decorate your home with. You can live vicariously through Tina's travels with her gorgeous photography. It might be *almost* as good as going yourself!

To play along with our challenge, all you have to do is go to the Traveling Mama shop and pick any item to be inspired by. Make any creation that your little heart desires and post a link to it on the EtsyInspired #74 post on the EtsyInspired blog. To be entered in the drawing, you must post your creation by next Friday Feb 12, noon Pacific time. A random entry will be selected to win. If you upload to SCS or PCP, please use keyword EIC74. Also, please remember to give credit to where you got your inspiration from. Any entries that do not have credit given will not be eligible to win.

What do you win? This week our sponsor is Simple Doodles. The winner will receive three digital stamps of their choice.

Now go be EtsyInspired!

Check out the DT:
Courtney (Feb Guest)
Lisa (Feb Guest)
Tiffany (Tiff is take a break until May)

EtsyInspired #73 Winners

Here are the winners for this week.

The Elie's Happy Hats winner is Jenn C

The Pixie Dust Studio winner is Yaffgil

Ladies, please email me actressangel at gmail dot com to claim your prizes. Thanks everyone for playing!

Your mid-week reminder! Play EtsyInspired this week!

>> Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hey there crafty peeps! Just a reminder that it's not too late to play the EtsyInspired Challenge #73! Look at that little devil cutie?!  You have to check out this weeks shop, Elie's Happy Hats! Check out the post below for all the details! Two WONDERFULLY generous prizes will be won this week (one prize pack from the shop and some digi images from our sponsors, Pixie Dust Studio!) by two lucky ladies! Don't miss out on your chance to join in!

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